1. What is the use of this calculator?

Some player don't know about the Position attacking method. Lack of experience to fail many troops lost in Positions. Here we helping to get reward back from Position without heavy loss.

2. what is the offense Position attack method?

In which unit is best for kill offense Position. Offense Position we can n't  able to know the how many troops available but we can easily identify which unit is more in offense Position . The calculator show all the detail given below example . Suppose you used cavalry your loss get more .  our solution is less troops loss method so you have more troops easily gain.  

3. what is the Defense Position attack method?

In which unit is best for kill Defense Position. Defense Position we know full detail. our solution is less troops loss method so you have more troops easily gain. 

4. what is the Position Reward calculator ? How you saying it give reward to us?

In sparta games said that all Position we cant give reward so in which Position you going to get reward you don't know . Here we can say how the reward giving depends upon bank full. we have to refilling the bank. when bank full you get the reward . This Position calculator is calculate the bank full means you get  the reward back  we have video proof and video tutorial.

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